We have made lots of changes to the Nursery garden.
A huge thank you to Mr L Summers and Western Power Distribution for their fantastic donation of the large black tunnel.

Enjoyed by both children and grownups!

We have been working on our Nursery garden, with a lot of help from Mrs A Wakelin, who has spent lots of time digging, weeding, replanting and getting lots of lovely flowers and resources from various people. Thank you Mrs Wakelin for your time and enthusiasm.


The Nursery team would also like to thank the following people for their very kind donations to help the Nursery garden be bug friendly:

ALS Trading Ltd (Penhow) – decking planks & delivery. Used to replace/make new raised beds and the hedgehog box.

Natures Habitat – Exotic Pet & Aquatic Centre (Pwllmeyric) – bee friendly potted pond plants, oxygenator plants and great advice on setting up the wildlife pond.

Chepstow Garden Centre (Pwllmeyric) – Assorted seed packs, assorted bulbs, large bags of quality compost and a Buddlia shrub to attract bees and butterflies.

Gemini Plants Ltd (Leechpool Holdings, Portskewett) – Poppy plants, Scabious plant & rockery plants used around the wildlife pond, and large metal hanging baskets to make the pinecone ladybird homes.

Monmouthshire firewood and fencing – 11 assorted size wooden discs & delivery. Used as stepping stones.

Chepstow Garden Centre